12th Cuenca Biennial
Cuenca, Ecuador
Curated by Jacopo Crivelli & Manuela Moscoso
Acquired by Patricia Phelps de Cisneros and donated to the Collection of the Modern Museum of Buenos Aires
Text by Manuela Moscoso
Eduardo Navarro developed for the Bienal de Cuenca 12 a project that dealt with the Ecuadorian volcanic geography. During the months previous to the Biennial, Eduardo was immersed in the study of volcanoes and made contact with Ecuadorian volcanologist Silvana Hidalgo, from the Ecuadorian Geophysical Institute, and professional mountain climber Karl Egloff. The research and discussions generated by these meetings, and also a series of climbings to active volcano GuaGua Pichincha, allowed Navarro to embark in a field project whose purpose was to take the volcano’s energy itself. Navarro thinks the volcano as a geography constantly changing, uncertain and excessive, both symbolically and physically. Looking for ways to re-use the energy emitted by the crater, the artist used the volcano as a transformative tool. The artist created drawings from litmus paper, which measured the acidity in the gas emissions produced by the fumaroles inside the crater. In order to prepare for the trip Navarro worked with a family of artisans from Quito and designed a special backpack basket which allowed him to carry the litmus drawings. He also used it as a container that allowed the gases to filter inside. The flameproof suit was also specially designed by the artist to protect himself from the sulphur and the high temperatures. The work shown was the result of a co-production with the GuaGua Pichincha active volcano.