
spathiphyllum auris

Eduardo Navarro: spathiphyllum auris (Hero image)

Biennale Gherdëina
Dolomite Mountain, Val Gardena, Italy
Unesco World Heritage site
Curated by Lucia Pietroiusti and Filipa Ramos
Nicoletta Fiorucci Foundation & Collection

How does sound affect flowers? does it?
Spathiphyllum Auris is a large hearing flower emplaced at the Dolomites, a pristine Unesco World Heritage site characteristic for it’s lack of sound pollution. The concave shape of the flower captured sounds from the landscape that traveled through its tubular stem to the bulb, which was pitch black and extremely silent. There are no electrical components in the flower that enlarge sound, the flower is entirely acoustic. Visitors where invited to contemplate the landscape by isolating themselves inside the bulb for any period of time, some falling a sleep. By allowing sound to to guide them into a delicate sinestetic journey into the world of flowers, hallucinations and dreamscapes blossomed.
Text by the artist

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